Indian Springs

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trail:Logging road with gradual elevation of 400 feet
difficulty:Moderately easy.
length:7 Miles round trip
elevation:Trailhead is 1200 feet, climbs to 1645 and down to 1400 at Indian Springs

The many remnants of the Casper, South Fork & Eastern Railroad trestle, built in the later part of the nineteenth century, are seen along most of the trail.


Indian Springs is also close to the site of the Pomo's Three Chop Village where many relics were found by archeologists in 1984 and were determined to be from the ship, Frolic, wrecked off of Pt. Cabrillo in 1850.

The Indian Springs campsite is a remote, hike-in-only campsite that provides a picnic table, outhouse and firepit.

Take Highway 20 to milepost 17.3 ( Road 200 ), turn north onto 200 and follow for 5.5 miles, taking all left forks where there is an option, until you reach a four way intersection of roads 200 and 1000. ( # 1 on map) Park here and head west on 1000. Within 200 yards is a gate which should be open after April. Continue west until the next fork. ( # 2 on map ). Bear left on Road 330 which is marked with a wooden sign, followed by another gate. Walk around the gate and continue on road 330 for 3 1/2 miles or until you see a campsite on the right marked with a small sign, "Indian Springs."

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Trails Map

Hare Creek Bunker Gulch Brandon Gulch Caspar Creek North Thompson and Manley Gulches Forest History Russian Gulch S. P. Berry Gulch Trestle Trail Indian Springs Chamberlain Creek and Camellia Park Gulch

  1. Hare Creek
  2. Bunker Gulch to Upper Hare Creek
  3. Brandon Gulch to Volcano Point & Riley Ridge
  4. Caspar Creek North Fork
  5. Thompson Gulch and Manley Gulch Trails
  6. Forest History Trail
  7. Berry Gulch
  8. Trestle Trail
  9. Indian Springs
  10. Chamberlain Creek Trail & Camellia Trail
  11. Park Gulch Trail

This page is sponsored by
Campaign to Restore Jackson State Redwood Forest
Trail description by Nancy McCarthy; trail map courtesy of

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