Forest History Trail

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trail:Single track trail
difficulty:Moderately easy
length:4 miles

This is a beautiful, narrow trail that is somewhat hilly but well graded and has benches along the uphill portions for resting. There are 45 trail markers on the trail that are related to the explanations in the Forest History Trail Guide which can be found at the CDF Headquarters in Fort Bragg or the office of the Campaign to Restore Jackson State Redwood Forest. The Guide covers the history of logging, the uses of the woods by the Native Americans and an introduction to the redwood forest community. There is also a short trail off of the main trail, Observation Trail that will take you to the top of the hill for a lovely view and a good lunch spot. The latter is only 15 minutes long and includes markers 46 and 47 that you will find in the Trail Guide.


Go to mile 6.85 on Road 408 (little Lake Road) to start the trail as indicated by START on the map below. Follow the markers, #1 through #45 as you make the loop around the circle. When you will come to a fork with a sign marking Observation trail to the left, you can either follow the signs to the top of the Observation Hill or go to right and continue the loop until you return to "START".

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Trails Map

Hare Creek Bunker Gulch Brandon Gulch Caspar Creek North Thompson and Manley Gulches Forest History Russian Gulch S. P. Berry Gulch Trestle Trail Indian Springs Chamberlain Creek and Camellia Park Gulch

  1. Hare Creek
  2. Bunker Gulch to Upper Hare Creek
  3. Brandon Gulch to Volcano Point & Riley Ridge
  4. Caspar Creek North Fork
  5. Thompson Gulch and Manley Gulch Trails
  6. Forest History Trail
  7. Berry Gulch
  8. Trestle Trail
  9. Indian Springs
  10. Chamberlain Creek Trail & Camellia Trail
  11. Park Gulch Trail

This page is sponsored by
Campaign to Restore Jackson State Redwood Forest
Trail description by Nancy McCarthy; trail map courtesy of

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